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Become a Speaker

How can I become an NASSP Convention presenter?

Thank you for your interest in NASSP Convention programming. Our May 2, 2005 deadline for proposal submissions has now passed. With that, the NASSP Convention office is unable to accept any new program submissions for consideration in the 2006 Annual NASSP Convention & Exposition.

For convenient reference, NASSP's Call for Presentations form is available in the early spring of each year. The NASSP Convention office accepts proposal submissions beginning with the current year's annual Convention through early May, each year. If you would like your name added to the NASSP database to receive a 2007 Call for Presentations form, please direct your name and mailing address by e-mail to . Then, next spring (March, 2006), you will receive a Call for Presentations form in the mail from NASSP. To note, the 2007 NASSP Annual Convention & Exposition will be hosted in Las Vegas, NV, February 23-25.

When will I know if my proposal for the 2006 Convention was accepted?

In May, our 2006 Convention Program Review Committee meets to select session proposals that best represent NASSP members' expressed topics of interest and concern. For those who are accepted as presenters in the 2006 NASSP Convention program, written notification is directed to the lead contact for the session (as designated in the proposal form) by late summer, 2005. In October, 2005, these same presenters selected receive a formal speaker confirmation package providing full and complete details regarding their session. A similar speaker confirmation package is directed to any named co-presenter(s) participating in an accepted session.

Questions may be directed to the Convention Department at 703-860-7262; or 7334.

Official Deadlines
Receipt of Proposal Form May 2, 2005
Initial Notice of Acceptance August 31, 2005
Formal Notice of Acceptance
(Includes Speaker Confirmation Package)
October 31, 2005

What Does NASSP Look for in a Proposal?

The 2006 NASSP Convention Program Committee includes practitioners from high school and middle level, as well as senior program representatives from the NASSP staff. In reviewing proposals submitted for consideration, the 2006 Committee applies the following considerations to all completed entries:

  • Timeliness and relevance to leading education issues — similar to the six distinct Topic Areas found inside the submission form.

  • Potential to attract and stimulate the interest and concerns of the NASSP Convention audience, both middle level and high school leaders.

  • Potential to offer solid, practical "how to" information to benefit the audience, with a clarity of content and session objectives that will inspire attendees to act.

  • Alignment between the session's title/description to the outline provided — and ultimately, to the program delivered onsite.

  • Balance between cutting-edge issues and perennial concerns, demonstrating creativity teamed with practical application.

  • Completeness of the submission form, according to the guidelines provided.

Questions may be directed to the Convention Department at 703-860-7262; or 7334.

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Becoming a Speaker

Official Deadlines

2005 Convention Wrap-Up

Exclusive offer for NASSP Members!
At the annual NASSP Convention in February, former New York governor Mario Cuomo told attendees at Saturday's Second General Session that the United States should aspire to be "the best-educated country in the world."